CalvinIsAwesome wrote: Well, you had to make an account on the forum. You could have chosen a different name/password. Most keep the same username, many use a different password. The game and forum aren't connected, really. The forum is run by the developer, but there's no way to connect it to the game.
A squadron is a group of pilots that band together to fly under a certain set of rules. Squadron Wars will be coming out soon, and the squads will be pitted against each other. There's no real use for them yet, however.
When you get shot down, instead of pressing "Retry", hit "Jump##". You'll bail out in a chute. Press the camera in the top right to pull up a joystick and a trigger, and you can aim and shoot at planes. If you land safely (Don't get shot), there will be a tank with no name on it near you. Walk into it to drive it. It's easy enough to figure out.
Is this a question? Or are you just telling us that you're level eight?
The red Fokker plane? To start with? That's odd, you're supposed to have the Sopwith and a Fokker DR.1 painted brown, not red. Maybe it's the prepaid version. I'd advise emailing Joaquin / Zuperman (The developer. It's one guy, Zuperman's his screen name.) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and ask if you download the standard version of the game, if he can waive the $5 fee. I'm not sure why you have the red Fokker.
As for buying new planes, how much money do you have? When you're in the hanger, you can tell. Also in the hanger, there should be an arrow on the right hand side. Press it, and you'll see a new plane. You can buy it if you have enough credits and a high enough rank.
I'm not sure that the prepaid version is updated anymore. I'm not sure why it hasn't been removed from the store. Same with Dogfight Lite. Email Joaquin, he can help you get it straightened out. Tell him that we sent you, or he might tell you to go to the forum. 
i think hes problem was he was in the campaign not the multiplayer