Dogfight Elite 1.0.80 is out!
Mostly is a bug fix for everything found on the last big update.
- The gear icon should now change from red/yellow when moving your gear up and down. Also on desktop, you can press the G key (for Gear).
- Fixed train mission. It wasn't working properly.
- Fixed game orientation. It should be like before.
- Fixed iPad bomb. The screen was turning dark on some ipad devices. I was told that it was fixed on this update but I can't check it myself because it worked fine on all my ipads. Let me know please.
- Removed grass/flowers from all version of the games. The game had constant crashes on windows 10 and I'm hoping removing this helps. Honestly I don't know whether it was the reason for the crashes since it didn't happen here.
- On settings/graphics when you change the order of the fire/bomb button, it also changes the side of the chat and throttle controls. This is done to satisfy Apple's request for the iPhone X because of that little black thing on the top of their screen.
- Fixed tank bomb explosion. They weren't exploding with fire as it was before.