I like the shorter games for the most part but there some pros and cons.
It's nice that:
*You can play several games in an hour and that collecting "wins" isn't just for people with loads of time to play.
*The bombing games are short encounters where you are making quick plays instead of long drawn out campaigns.
*It's rare to see anyone complain about someone ending the game with a sneak.
*When the bombing games are able to go long they hog up the servers and are often the only type of game available for quite some time.
On the other hand:
*There isn't much of a chance to settle into a game and get used to the teams when they're over so quick.
*If someone spawns in before others get there and takes a free bombing run, the game is very unbalanced and can end in one more run.
*Some people like long games.
*For unsubscribed players (some can't just watch an add) if they wait 6:min before they enter a game it often ends very quickly. I wonder if this might discourage some noobs from sticking around.
More pros and cons?
I wonder if the faster planes make enough difference that it shortens the games without only needing 4 hangars or 5 bombs on the carriers. Since the planes can cross the map faster there are fewer encounters so it's more likely that you can make it across before taking 4 hits.
(Just some thoughts and observations. Anyone's opinions are as valid as mine.)