It perplexes me as to why bubi hasn't been banned from Dogfight considering others have been banned permanently for less. This is no secret. I'm 'assuming' Joaquin would rather keep one bubi professional spawnkiller than lose potential new people and veteran players who pay to play. There is no debate that is and will continue to happen with bubi present.Looking at that from Echobooms perspective you think they would alleviate the problem.
I myself battled bubi again last night for almost two hours as he/she continued to spawnkill me/others to no end. bubi doesn't phase me a bit but I look out for the best interest of the game and other players and many were cursing and disgruntled last night because of bubi. This has been the case for years.I never recall a game where bubi doesn't spawnkill.
Part of Echoboom/Joaquin job as customer service representatives is to eliminate problems such as this.
It's evident there's lack of concern from a business perspective...set aside playing a game for a moment. We are paying customers.
More action,less talk.
These are all shots of bubi spawnkilling me or others while sitting on runway.
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