The 1st of the Monthly Wolf Pack parties was a huge success!! I first would like to thank legionz for doing alot of the foot work and promotion of this event. I would also like to thank the GI squad for filling in the gaps. As of now, I would like to extend a invitation to this wolf pack party to any GI member that would like to play. If GI shows a overwhelming amount of support this event could Morf into something pretty huge. The sky bis the limit so to Speak. I would also like to give a HUGE thanks to Viper. our Commander and Chief. Seeing Viper having such a great time was truly special for me. I just sat back and enjoyed watching him own the skies. And Own them he did.
I will start to refine the next party details and get it a little more organized. The first one was really to see if pilots would show interest, and if I could actually throw something together my peers would enjoy. I think with every one's feedback I must have achieved this. Also thank you for all the pilots that took screen shots. Any one on DF that sees these photos will definitely want to take part in the next one. I want to figure out if I actually can make a banner out of one of these photos to promote the event in the future. If there is any one that is savvy enough to help me with this I would be very thankful. Okay enough of my blabber. Here is the stats for last nights tournament
1st Place : Viper of WP with a Total of 38 confirmed kills
2nd Place : Skeeter of WP with a total kills unconfirmed lol 19( He was a late comer because he was drinking at
at the Jolly Roger)
3nd Place : pmoon of WP with a total of 14 confirmed kills
3nd Place : Sharpshooter of GI also had a total of 14 kills
4th Place : Nebular also of GI squad a total of 8 kills (a pilot I have great respect for, as he was one of
pilots that reached out to me and helped me out as a noob)
5th Place : Alex Gult new to WP with a total of 5 kills This may or may not have been higher as I was a little
tippsy as well

and I had a total of 12 confirmed kills
Well the first thing that will improve is my time keeping and score count haha see you all on the 10