YOGY wrote: Mcfate Well excuse me Mr.Design expert. Why design a game where one can camp,drop,spawnkill and use a tank glitch for some unknown reason. It is all part of the game it it is all cheating. Cheating in its purest form. Pilots should expect all opponents to play fairly it's called honor. When I go up against superior opponents I will take my azz whipping and still have fun in doing so because I know they have no tactical advantage.
In the case of Dogfight, spawnkilling and glitching are not analogous to dropping. Both spawnkilling and glitching are things which Zuperman has spent countless hours and updates to try to circumvent.
* Spawnkilling has proven to be very troublesome because there is no mechanism which has been tried which has not created other unintended problems and complaints. (I like the idea of 15 seconds of immunity upon spawning but it has always been problematic.) As it is we are left with an enforcement system that no one is happy with.
* Glitches are unintentional programming errors. In most cases they have different effects with different devices and so there is no level playing field. It is genuinely cheating for someone to take advantage of a design error which is not available to all. Pretty simple, no?
* Bombless planes flying faster is no glitch. It has been part of the design since the beginning and Zuperman has never (as far as I can tell) made any attempt to try to make it otherwise. Everyone has the same tactical options. How is it possibly "cheating"?
In fact, Zuperman has talked about designing more disparities into the game. He has talked about making dedicated bombers, slower and heavier with pilots and gunners/bombardiers in the same plane. He has posted about how there have been difficulties that have prevented this but he has tried. Now with the WW2 features coming we may be headed into a whole new realm of complaints. The game is not designed to be a simple shooter game. If you need any proof just look at how Zuperman has been designing more complexities into dogfight elite... the clouds, the trees, eventually having limited fuel, some planes can carry 2 bombs while some can only carry one, etc...
What you describe as "honor" is "etiquette" not rules. Etiquette is "the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular group..." The trouble is that there is no common "group", no one reason why people come to play this game. If
everyone came here to "relax", then it would make sense for there to be one common shared "etiquette". The trouble is that there are many different reasons people come here to play yet those who want to "relax" want everyone to play the game that way.
Someone who comes as a competitive gamer may decide to share the "relaxing" play style because that is the way so many demand. For others this waters down a game which otherwise has potential to be a great battle with emphasis on strategy and innovation. "Cheating?" It may be true that some drop only to take advantage and rack up kills. Not all...not by a long shot. There are many ways dropping can help a team win. The imagination is the limit. The thing is if people stopped getting offended and complaining they might instead focus on how to counter droppers. These past discussions are full of people sharing ways that they got the best of a dropper. But no, it often just becomes complaints and asking for more rules or other limitations.
Which perspective is right? It seems pretty obvious that both are valid points of view. This is why I think it would be so good to have separate servers for competitive players and those who prefer the more relaxing version. It would give both a venue to stay out of each others way.
Personally, I rarely drop to cover a bomber but when other things have already happened and I have already dropped for whatever reason, I'm going to cover or harass, whatever it takes to help a teammate destroy a hangar or damage a ship, yet I still get whined at. I rarely spawnkill, period. I've only recently quit feeling guilty about doing it when I'm inbound with a bomb. The last time i remember going on a spawnkilling rampage was against a someone who decided to come after me because they thought I was dropping. (when I wasn't) Probably not the best diplomatic approach I could have taken... I see your "honor" and etiquette perspective as limiting the game for the benefit of noobs and casual players while the "stat-padders" are abusive players who really should be separated from the "normal" servers. I enjoy the challenges presented by unorthodox players and I find it surprising that so many consider so many things "unfair" in a war game.