Blind Squirrel {WP****} wrote:
Viper10{WP} wrote:
Blind Squirrel {WP****} wrote: Hi Deli,
Great idea!
Werewolf is our only MORAF, and the only one with 20,000+ kills. Actually I think he really close to 36,000.
Guys with 10,000+ kills:
Skeeter 72
Dropper 21
Blind Squirrel
Good luck with this I think it is going to be cool.
I think some of those guys have over 20K in the kill column.... like Digger for one. Am I mistaken?
Sir, I double checked the list on everyone accept Digger. If I have made an error, I apologize but to the best of my knowledge it is accurate. Please double check me on out CO, that would be an awful mistake.
Blind thanks for the help digger and blkwolf are the only 2 I'm unsure about as I click on their names I can't see there stats vip if you can see there's you can place them in the respected category also I stated I envisioned this for the finesse of our squad this will help Myrlin with the correct kill medals when he's back I know Werewolf has 30k+ kills.
Also Lil I noticed GI have there own milestone achievement of their pilots I had been playing with this idea for a while before I thought lets go for it and find out lol but I applauded you on your curiosity and love for our allies