Hey Ace! I think I might have a few ideas now that I’m not busy with schooling and what not, lol.
One thing I’d defenitly like to have in it is either a white or black wolf, to go along with my title a little.

A fighter would be nice too, but I can’t decide which one I’d rather have, either a P-51 with a blue nose or a silver pre-war P-38. Suprise me on which you’d like!
I think a background of some Alaskan scenrey would be nice, but any kind of sky background will do.
I wish I can get more details to you, but I’m not that great a visionary and can’t come up with anymore details then that at the moment, but from the other banners I’ve seen, I know its in good hands. Do what kind of things you think would go great with what I listed, and feel free to surpise me with anything you might want to add as well!
Happy hunting!