I feel exactly the same way that you do. I understand 100% where you are coming from. What you all do from the HOH is simply awesome. All the postive notes you mentioned the HOH exists are what makes it so great. It may not run as smooth as one should hope, but what in life ever does.
The problem is not with the HOH. It stems from the way some go about responding here in forum and the way players choose to play this game. There will be differences in opinions all the time and that is fine. The lack of respect that some show for eachother is the problem.
We will always disagree with one another, but before one goes ahead and posts comments that they know will only make a mess of things, they should think twice before doing so. One can state their differences in opinions with respect to all the way it should be done. It's a shame that some can't. There's no need for it and no one appreciates it. It only stirs things up and makes a mess of things.
Dogfight does need some cleaning up in my opinion. Some of the trash that is brought to this game and forum needs to be taken out because it's stinking up the place.
Please do not base your decision with the future of the HOH on how some go about approaching this forum. You as a member need to know that these players that do not approach the forum with respect will always exist. It may not be easy to deal with these issues time and time again, but I hope you are stronger than them.
What the HOH brings to Dogfight is like nothing else in the game. You all add excitement and bring the community together. You give us an extra something to strive and reach for. Who doesn't want to receive a medal for something they have earned? It can be quite fun along the way in the voting process seeing how we rate eachother's performances and see what we all have to say about one another.
Base the decision of the future of the HOH on how you truly feel and do not let the unacceptable behavior of some sway you. I for one appreciate what you all do and try to show you your due respect.
Future HOH award recipient

D93 Big Gunzzz