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The Black Hornets


THE BLACK HORNETS SQUAD THREAD 9 years 10 months ago #213317

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Our Squad Motto Is:

The Squads proud founder: TBH|Jeromy.

Squad officers:

=TBH=DR Bomb@y


1)ALL pilots must set squad tag in front of name and must have TBH|Name

2)this is our golden rule......RESPECT be respective too all who deserve respect

3)no swearing allowed(please try not to swear at all but we all get those jackasses sometimes)

4)no going against dogfights rules such as no spawn killing people in a mission while in a tank

5) listen too commanding officers air marshals and group captains ARE officers

Other then those there are no rules you can camp drop and sneak no spawnkilling please (some exceptions may apply)
Squad achievements and awards

People that are morafs that are in the squad have the privilege of putting a star at the end of their name for example TBH|Example* but only Morafs can that join the squad

People who have got 100 or more kills in a game may put a ^ in their TBH| for example ^TBH|Example but the person must have a screenshot of this achievement and send the screenshot to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or post it here preferred to be sent by email

People who are the ranks group captain and air marshal OF THE SQUAD get symbols to show their officer rank the symbol for group captains is - and is displayed like this -TBH-Example and for air marshals it is = and it is displayed like this =TBH=Example

As for the people reading this anyone can post here in the squad or out just please keep drama out and we will be all cool

If for any reason you are here to report a hornet please be courteous not to post it here either pm me or send me an pm a screen shot of the incident would be helpful [IMG]i61.tinypic.com/343rasj.jpg[/
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OFFICAL SQUADRON THE BLACK HORNETTS 9 years 10 months ago #213318

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Well good luck with this one... I wish it all the best
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OFFICAL SQUADRON THE BLACK HORNETTS 9 years 10 months ago #213319

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Well I need a banner for me and the squad so if anyone is willing to help please pm me and I will be grateful forever
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OFFICAL SQUADRON THE BLACK HORNETTS 9 years 10 months ago #213323

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Now everyone I have something very important to say but this is to people who I have asked to join please don't judge the squad based on the owner's age I know I'm younger than most of u guys I'm only 15 but dogfight is about whether u can hang with the top pilots or not and I certainly can hang in also if u say u don't want to join because I am too young than that makes it all the more embarrassing because I'm sure I can school u in dogfight

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OFFICAL SQUADRON THE BLACK HORNETTS 9 years 10 months ago #213346

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So then I guess you quit Devils Dragons? Why did you quit so quickly Jeromy? Whats up with that? :huh:

Anyway best of luck with this squad I hope it works out for you.

Just a little bit of feedback on your rules. They come off a little bit harsh you might want to consider editing them and soften them up a bit. You want to set proper expectations with regard to your squads rules but not scare everyone away at the same time.

If you were recruiting me and I read those rules there would definately be some red flags raised.

Just trying to help. Maybe you could go read how other squads explain the rules to provide you a frame of reference and get some ideas going on how to imrove yours.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Paul Mantz, Jr., WB|War hawk1-5, =TBH=|Jeromy

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OFFICAL SQUADRON THE BLACK HORNETTS 9 years 10 months ago #214216

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Hey Jeromy, would you please define "sneaking" Thanks
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OFFICAL SQUADRON THE BLACK HORNETTS 9 years 10 months ago #214229

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tactical flying (aka Sneaking) means no going over 1k altitude and no riding in the corners of the map thanks for asking me bw and not finding out the hard way
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OFFICAL SQUADRON THE BLACK HORNETTS 9 years 10 months ago #214311

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Good luck with your squad of BLACK HORNETS! (nasty little beasts) .

Concerning "sneaking ".

The playing field is roughly 4k x 4k.
To not use the ENTIRE field isn't the most tactical for a squad or individual pilots.

We'll fly around you.

I realize from your comments while flying that you don't like me or my style.
So be it.

I do wish you success in this endeavour. Make a sweet banner!

Looking forward to flying with you soon.
The following user(s) said Thank You: =TBH=|Jeromy

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OFFICAL SQUADRON THE BLACK HORNETTS 9 years 10 months ago #214321

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Well of course one of my members can go up to get a sneaker but after u kill them u have to go back on track and thanks Paul see u in the sky
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OFFICAL SQUADRON THE BLACK HORNETTS 9 years 10 months ago #214358

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Ok guys I have thought of a ranking system.

wing commanders have no set limit and any moraf who joins the squad will start as a wing commander after they have been in squad for a week and there is three stages of a wing commander and each rank has a sighn that shows what stages are the best stage is = the second is - and than we have the people with no sighn which means they are a rank 1 wing commander also all ranks have those 3 rank signs
even grrrr I can't spell it sorry if I spell it wrong lutenits and group captains so I haven't really thought up of how u rank up yet but I will post ways u can I will only have 3 air marshals guys so u can tell who is their in command and who is second and who is fourth by either they have a blank or a - or a = thanks for reading and guys sorry this thought just came to mind I will edit and still be organizing it but for sure this is how I will rank

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OFFICAL SQUADRON THE BLACK HORNETTS 9 years 10 months ago #214427

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Your squadron call line could be "Hornets fly, freely" :evil:
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OFFICAL SQUADRON THE BLACK HORNETTS 9 years 10 months ago #214457

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No sorry I don't like that one but keep them coming mighty and I'm sure u will find one but so far I'm thinking the line should be fight for the hive die for the hive and honor the hive its a great one for the name

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THE BLACK HORNETS SQUAD THREAD 9 years 10 months ago #214600

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Jeromy, first off thanks for stoping by our thread earlier, you have a big heart my young friend .. Don't ever lose that .. Now a couple of comments .. Spelling .. Lieutenant .. As an example, find and use a sp check, it looks so much more professional .. This is a life lesson for you master it now, and you're ahead of the game..

Game thoughts .. You think sneaking is wrong, nope.. Go read threads from the pros.. This game can be played on so many levels, and at the top flight will be those who see your sneaking as brilliant strategy .. I've played against (and lost to) those who use all the board .. Honestly it's only wrong to you.. That being said it's your Sqd.. Know these words are offered as a hand up, not a slap down..

See you up there! / pistol padre
The following user(s) said Thank You: Paul Mantz, Jr., =TBH=|Jeromy

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THE BLACK HORNETS SQUAD THREAD 9 years 10 months ago #214605

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Hey Jeromy,

Good luck with your squad man...and I have to agree with the previous post and maybe 'only sneak when you are not outnumbering your opponent' I could see as a rule.

Let me know when you have art ready
The following user(s) said Thank You: Paul Mantz, Jr.

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THE BLACK HORNETS SQUAD THREAD 9 years 10 months ago #214618

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Hmmmm I guess u guys are right I'll change that rule now but I will never sneak its a personal thing
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THE BLACK HORNETS SQUAD THREAD 9 years 10 months ago #214619

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And whip what do u mean by art ready do u mean when I have an idea ready to send to u for a banner or as when that one guy comes through and figures out if he can still make banners

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OFFICAL SQUADRON THE BLACK HORNETTS 9 years 10 months ago #214620

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I didn't notice u said that I didn't like u I have no problem with u I am not even aquatinted with u the only thing I have to say is I'm not a big fan of ur tactics
The following user(s) said Thank You: Paul Mantz, Jr.

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THE BLACK HORNETS SQUAD THREAD 9 years 10 months ago #214624

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=TBH|Jêrømý wrote: And whip what do u mean by art ready do u mean when I have an idea ready to send to u for a banner or as when that one guy comes through and figures out if he can still make banners

oh yeah i forgot ...let me know if you need help
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OFFICAL SQUADRON THE BLACK HORNETTS 9 years 10 months ago #214631

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=TBH|Jêrømý wrote: I didn't notice u said that I didn't like u I have no problem with u I am not even aquatinted with u the only thing I have to say is I'm not a big fan of ur tactics

Yes, I understand that you and I don't know each other.
Which makes me wonder why you would "express" yourself during game towards me enough to make it memorable.

We are friends and family here. I'M THE CRAZY UNCLE! (or old, dead great-great-great granddad)

Follow some guidance and you'll do fine!


...oooppppsss.....your lawn...sorry ....can you help me find my teeth?

Oh, by the way, what sports or games (non-video) do you like?
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OFFICAL SQUADRON THE BLACK HORNETTS 9 years 10 months ago #214667

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LOL u make me crack up well I play football <<<the American type<<< and I play basketball I have also played some baseball here and there but never in a real league I have also always wanted to try hockey it looks so fun

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THE BLACK HORNETS SQUAD THREAD 9 years 10 months ago #214671

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We are having a squad war with the Wright brothers on the 28 of September time has no been set up yet so stand by I will still be scheduling the squad war and I'll tell u what time we put it in probably pacific time thanks guys

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THE BLACK HORNETS SQUAD THREAD 9 years 10 months ago #215304

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Ok the time is 8 pm pacific time or 11 pm eastern time and it will be at vimmy and we will be German side and what kind of match has not been decided yet but guys watch for sneakers and everyone who will be there post that u can

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THE BLACK HORNETS SQUAD THREAD 9 years 10 months ago #215305

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I'm in
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THE BLACK HORNETS SQUAD THREAD 9 years 10 months ago #215328

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Ok good :)

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THE BLACK HORNETS SQUAD THREAD 9 years 10 months ago #215329

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Comon guys we need more than two so far Mae day if he joins will fight for us and B.W. And me we need a few more hunter I know u need to get in this and killing Nazis u do too and 22 u better be there also
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THE BLACK HORNETS SQUAD THREAD 9 years 10 months ago #215332

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I like the new squad rules no complaints there I think a big thing is going to be other than that is making sure those major rules are being reported and addressed other than that I'm pumped about the squad war and count me in TBH
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THE BLACK HORNETS SQUAD THREAD 9 years 10 months ago #215348

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HI ALL ...thanks for having me....28 sep most probably will try to b there for the War.
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THE BLACK HORNETS SQUAD THREAD 9 years 10 months ago #215357

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alright ill try my best to be at the war
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THE BLACK HORNETS SQUAD THREAD 9 years 10 months ago #215361

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Ok guys we have five so far and I think the most we can have is 6 but we will only have 6 in anyways hunter i want u too be the sixth so that is all ty guys

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THE BLACK HORNETS SQUAD THREAD 9 years 10 months ago #215608

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Oh thanks for letting me know about the name change problem and also Mae day I am trying to make sure every member puts TBH| in front of their name so if u find a hornet without a banner please ask them to put it up and if they refuse than I have to kick them the whole reason for the banner is to show u are proud of ur squad and want to show everyone that yes u are a hornet also so I and squad officers can identify u easily :)

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