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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370083

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Agent, who?

B) :P

And Dera, it's very odd to see that many. Agent and I watched that number bounce up pretty quick. Zup no doubt will figure it out.
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370084

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Agent003{WP*} wrote:

Dera8{WP} wrote:

Agent003{WP*} wrote: Are we gonna talk about the fact that the front page shows 1859 guests online right now? What the heck

Edit: it went up right after I posted to 2057, then back down to 1530-something. I think with numbers that big changing that fast, someone is trying to overload the website... not sure if it could be a DDoS attack, I dont know if the packet senders would be counted as users or not, but the website isn’t slowing down as of yet. So thats good.

i think that is weird. Why would so many "guests" would be on at one time. Like you said a DDoS attack might have happened, but why would someone want to overwhelm the traffic on the forum? That doesn't make sense to me. Unusually people attack new websites or stuff like that, not a gaming forum.

Our only possible lead at this point is some random insect posting a :whistle: emoji on dire's thread about the attack. I mean it or one of its fellow insects could be trying to mess with people so its hard to use the forum... or of course it might just be a bug being a bug, and really didn’t have anything to do with it. You never know with those little things lol

What? Oh just some weird little noisy thing with ugly legs :lol:
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370087

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Alrighty folks, after discussions with Dire, Viper, etc. I am set up with an alternate recruiting account, the username of which is AgentOrange{WP*}

This account is intended for flying in the lower level server to scout for potential WP candidates that have not yet reached level 17. It is not in the physical in game squadron, since its not level 8 and because it isn't that necessary at the moment. Like viper said, if anyone wants to do this, talk to him for information.

I will say that right off the bat I noticed a player that I would like to keep an eye on. His name is cap. White Beard
Level:15 Overall Kill Death Ratio: Amazing 1657/601
This guy ended a game with 22kills,3deaths... impressive. From what I could tell he was not spawn camping (if he was it wasn't much)
Obviously it needs more observation to verify that he has skills and ethics as a player and isnt just camping etc. (though I would guess he is playing legit, considering any "unfair advantage" he could have comes from his SE5A)

One last thing. I think we had a WP recruiting office thread on our old forum area, Cypher, maybe if we are going to ramp up recruiting work a little, we could use a separate thread to keep it organized and on topic. Up to you, viper, etc of course
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370088

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So, PerrydaWolf, who recruited you?
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370090

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Oh, hal56 is an observe as well. Lvl 10, good kd, flies well it seems... pretty quiet though. Less experienced but I will keep an eye out
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370092

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Agent here's a video for you bud
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370093

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Alex Galt wrote:

Agent here's a video for you bud

I thought the records of that incident were destroyed years ago... now my cover is blown

Seriously that was a hilarious video Alex, thanks for sharing it :lol:
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370094

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Np buddy
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370095

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Sid Dickless WP wrote: So, PerrydaWolf, who recruited you?

I asked Viper10 to join in
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370097

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I forgot I had this SS from the other night. Goodtimes DIRE. Then i forgot how to post a SS...LOL!!!


"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his". - George Patton
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370098

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Great numbers Skeeter and DireWolf... Proud of you brothers...!!!
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370100

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Dangit skeeter you were so close! Hey, either way you guys painted the skies red!
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370101

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That was one fun Wolf Hunt...! Glad you got a pic of that game as it was one for the records and time almost ran out.

Great game with you, Skeet..! Ty Agent and Perry---proud of all my brothers too!

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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370111

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Stupid forum lost the whole thing I just typed up. Ugh

I got out of a noob server game of bomb the base just now. We TIED the darned thing! How often does that happen in the big boy games? I swear people play the game how it was meant to be played on the lower server, it reminds me of the good old days of df1. I enjoyed watching the game as I walked around the enemy base for a good 20 minutes hiding and running from the other team as they tried to shoot me. Eventually they got me, but I discovered before then that walking thru a red plane crashes it! Hehehe

Played this game along with outlaw war on his alt, and a guy named Smoke screen who I have flown with a number of times. Impressive performance. His record previously was 51 kills, and this was not an instance of spawn killing or anything unsavory, it was a close game with myself being the only one hanging around red base. Now the other red named CaveSpider831 is doing well too. He is a darn good shot from what I saw and heard. Unfortunately from a recruiting standpoint both of these fine pilots are in squadrons already, but they are a sample of the solid flying skills and sportsmanship that I'm seeing a lot over there. There is a lot of potential and a lot of fun down in noobland.

Final stats of that draw game
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370114

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Looks like fun 003 :)

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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370116

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Viper10{WP} wrote: Looks like fun 003 :)

Definitely fun, and kind of a learning experience in a way too. Its cool to see how things work over there as I walk thru the woods trying not to get murdered :lol:

Viper why on earth are you awake at 0400? Go get some sleep man
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370117

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Agent003{WP*} wrote: Stupid forum lost the whole thing I just typed up. Ugh

I got out of a noob server game of bomb the base just now. We TIED the darned thing! How often does that happen in the big boy games? I swear people play the game how it was meant to be played on the lower server, it reminds me of the good old days of df1. I enjoyed watching the game as I walked around the enemy base for a good 20 minutes hiding and running from the other team as they tried to shoot me. Eventually they got me, but I discovered before then that walking thru a red plane crashes it! Hehehe

Played this game along with outlaw war on his alt, and a guy named Smoke screen who I have flown with a number of times. Impressive performance. His record previously was 51 kills, and this was not an instance of spawn killing or anything unsavory, it was a close game with myself being the only one hanging around red base. Now the other red named CaveSpider831 is doing well too. He is a darn good shot from what I saw and heard. Unfortunately from a recruiting standpoint both of these fine pilots are in squadrons already, but they are a sample of the solid flying skills and sportsmanship that I'm seeing a lot over there. There is a lot of potential and a lot of fun down in noobland.

Final stats of that draw game

I have flown with smoke screen a number of time and he is a killing machine. To bad that he is in a squad he wasn't when I was flying with him. If he ever happens to leave, I would like him here if possible (superior actions are needed by this point). He has earned my respect and he is a kind player. I hope to see him when he is 17+.
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370123

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Looks like AgentOrange{WP} is on a mission to find some strong hunters-to-be to join The Realm of the Wolf Pack!

Great idea you had and sounds like your having fun, too. That's what we do---fight fair, loyal and.....HAVE FUN!

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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370125

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Great two games! They were very fun and kind long lol. Sid was in the first game yesterday and Navmed was on today.
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370126

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LOL thought that this was hilarious!!

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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370127

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DireWolf{WP*} wrote: Agent,

Looks like AgentOrange{WP} is on a mission to find some strong hunters-to-be to join The Realm of the Wolf Pack!

Great idea you had and sounds like your having fun, too. That's what we do---fight fair, loyal and.....HAVE FUN!


Hop on over Dire, the water is fine! :lol: actually its the same water... but whatever

I am indeed enjoying spending some of my DF time over there, but I can’t take credit for the idea, Cypher is the one who originally thought of making accounts to play on the other server and recruit. I was just the first guy to sign up as a guinea pig!


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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370130

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My first game with Dera8 :) Nice to play with you...

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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370131

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I have leveled up!!! Level 28 now!!!

And the final results of that game ;)
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370132

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Heya Agent,

Gave my Ipad a go and no luck yet, but I have hope as it sounds like fun.

My bad and about mix up who to send out kudos to---good idea Cy! Seems to be working and we'll send more Wolves soon.

Perry---congrats! Keep climbing that food chain my brother!

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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370133

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Two more good games... ;)

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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370141

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Agent003{WP*} wrote:

Viper10{WP} wrote: Looks like fun 003 :)

Viper why on earth are you awake at 0400? Go get some sleep man

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370142

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Agent003{WP*} wrote:

Viper10{WP} wrote: Looks like fun 003 :)

Viper why on earth are you awake at 0400? Go get some sleep man

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Work days I get up early.... first thing I do is check the forum. :)

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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370143

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PerryDaWolf wrote: Two more good games... ;)

Perry, you are a stone cold killer! Keep it up brother


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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370147

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Had 2 great killing games. Not as much as Perry there... But I had fun against Von Killer, he is a great player. I will see if i can get the screen shots in. They both are too big for the attachment section.
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The Official WOLF.PACK Squadron page 6 years 5 months ago #370155

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Leveled up!

(Only 10 levels behind Perry lol)

And a great game with slatz we talked for a little after the game got all weird.
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