Ok, I just finished the most difficult game I have ever played
The entire game, until 3 seconds before my screen shot :DOHHH: I was going head on with Davy for the first time ever and I accually passed him for a bit. When he quit he was at around 110-50 ish and I was At 100-50 on the dot. As you can tell, the other reds were not easy pickings by ANY means either. Mean Fokker, Comet, ecm.
Not my best K/D ratio by any means, but it was definitely on of my best games.
Cheers to Gizmo and Hornswoggler! Without them, there would have been no chance for victory in that game.
I only wish I had gotten a screen with Davy in it, we were neck and neck. Well he was mostly leading, but we were close lol