[M]McFate, [M]bhfoust, Captain JS, dev99, and some others had a great bridge circus during a DF game. The really neat thing about this one was that tanks kept shooting the bridge so it was missing sections long enough to fly through like a roller coaster (except for those sections adjacent to pylon foundations ouch!). Otherwise, sections would repair themselves. Thanks tanks! We did some inverted pass-throughs, some rolling pass-throughs, and I had plenty of crashes trying reverse rolls.
Then Coronel Pata joined and decided (as is his right) not to circus. He also decided that he would kill us, which is not against the rules (since it is, after all, Dogfight), but I personally consider that rude. We were very nice in inviting him, and trying to get him to stop shooting at us. The game ended when I had to keep killing him. He got me once and I got him, what, three times? He said that my K/D sucked, so I am mortally wounded from that event.
Fun times!