Jazhonky wrote: Wow u flew in navy bro! That is cool. Thx 4 what u did. And did u ever land on carrier? That sounds like some scary stuff
The Lockheed S3 Viking does make carrier landings there similar to the COD as their wings fold. The cod however has propswhereas the S3 has twinjet engines. As an AO1 I didn't have near as many dealings with S threes as I did hornets and super hornets, but it's a pretty neat video nonetheless
I have a bunch of videos on those little tapes that I shot years ago somewhere in a box. I wonder if it was expensive to convert them to digital format and start a thread, might be kind of neat
This video is several years old, I'm not sure what carrier it's on as I cannot see the number… Looks like an older one maybe The Lincoln, or Eisenhower?