Hi Sojan,
to update an app using windows store (8.1) proceed as follows:
1> open the Store
2> hit window+c or swipe the right hand side of the screen for a touch device (in short, open the charms bar)
3> select Settings
4> in Settings you will find the option to update the apps
in case you are not able to install the app from the store, then it is possible that the store is not picking the login information from your OS. in that case, try the following:
1> open the store
you will notice on the top bar you have option of Home, Top Charts, Categories, Collections, Account
2> click account
3> click my account
check if you are logged in with your registered email id. if not, then click change user and manually enter your windows login details and then the store will have your windows user credentials.
Note: if you are not able to rate and review and app you previously installed, then also follow the "change user" procedure and you will be able to do it.
that's what worked for me. no guarantees or liabilities.
hope that helps[/quote]
Thanks for all that info! sadly... I learnt how to late!

So now im trying to re install it. And sorry but I don't have facebook and can't. All I would need is a link to download the dogfight app latest version from elsware than the windows store. Once again: Thanks all for your help! I wasent expecting this many answeres!