Ok, the update is already out and Squad Wars is finally released!
wohoooo, it only took me 5 years lol
First, keep in mind that this works correctly only when everybody has the latest update. I hope that is the case before Tuesday (windows store and amazon are delaying the most these days).
So, how does it work?
1) You load the game, hit "play".
2) If there is an ongoing game that has been running for less than 5 minutes and with available space for you (and your rank), you will automatically join them.
3) If no game matches step 2, then you are placed into a squad wars lobby.
The Squad Wars lobby: It has a maximum waiting time of 1 minute. This will be the case if you are the first person that joins the lobby.
- The system will check every few seconds the lobby. If enough players are already in the lobby to begin a game, it will fast forward the 1-minute wait to only a few seconds and begin the game. This way, you don't have 10 people waiting there for a minute when you could already be playing.
- When a game is ready to begin, the system will automatically place all your squad mates together on the same side. But remember, you cannot be more than 4 on the same side. Those left out, will be placed on the next game.
- It can happen that 2 squads are on the same side. If only 2 players of each squad join, they may be 2 and 2 (total 4) on the same side playing together against the other side.
- If you don't belong to a squad (poor soul!), the system will assign you randomly to an empty spot. But keep in mind that it gives priority to squad members. This means that if 8 people are in a squad and you are the 9th player, you will be placed alone waiting for others to join you. In short, it is better if you belong to a squad.
Squad vs Squad ranking:
Still in development. I will activate the old ranking page but I want to create one in the game so you don't have to leave the game to see the squad ranking. It should be ready for the next update.