[*M]VonHuLK wrote: I posted that I hope it stays like this for a year or two, if I can find my old posts on this subject I will repost one of them here. All I ever wanted was a level playing field. The fact that the shoe has switched feet, makes me laugh now. The posts seem like they are from some alternate universe, everything is backwards now.
A level playing field and server choice. I believe the no option to pick servers is the root cause of screen freeze( Actually I have no friggn Idea why game freezes up. I have other aviation online games downloaded with a massive amount of features and superior graphics, twice the amount of players in game, and no screen freeze. My fan runs at a normal level. Lag is unnoticeable, etc. How can this be?) There has been no posts from Zup regarding this in a long time, accept dont use AT&T as a service provider.) I was under the belief that it must be my graphics card, or something similar regarding my laptop. After many many hours of online research and reading, trying a multitude of different fixes, Viper can attest to this. As well as tech support from CC rider(Thanks bud) I cant believe the game still craps out all the time. For many, many players. Zup seems to be a very intelligent man, and has designed one hell of a game. Its so close to being epic. But this issue needs a resolution. I am looking for any and all computer savy players to post Ideas on how this can be fixed. Instead of just throwing are hands up and flippn this game the bird, lets get this fixed. Is it a dollar figure that will solve this Zup? If so, with the amount of players currently playing, How much would you need to raise monthly subscription fees to provide the required amount of capital to fix this ? Is it a windows issue? As most players I presume are Apple, Android Tablet users. Is it not economically viable or profitable for echoboom to worry about windows app store and Windows platforms. If indeed thats the case I can accept that. For three dollars a month it is what it is.But with all the technology out there, there is a fix. I hope.