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Poll: Split to different servers? (was ended 0000-00-00 00:00:00)

Yes, desktop players should be sepa
23 24.5%
No, we like all together
71 75.5%
Total number of voters: 94 ( BLACK HAWK GRINCH, onekill, Alex Galt, Luke Skystalker, nickisrc ) See more
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278067

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GeRmZ.... . wrote: pc players have howned the skill head ti head si thats bullshiz,maby at the beginning that wernt good butt now most of them are good. I can tell u one thing all the lag and droppers started with the popularity of the pc. What was the game ment for phones and tablets nit pc. Its thAT simple

The only thing that is that simple is the guy that made this post. Where does it say that this is meant for one platform? Where is your proof that PC users are the only ones who drop and lag? How does a PC connected to the Internet lag but not a phone on 3G? This is the kind of stupid bullshit comment that causes fights and arguments. And learn to spell and try some grammar, it might actually sound intelligent and be a bit more believable next time.

I've worked pretty hard to earn what I have. And I don't drop and lag nor do I need to in order to get an advantage on your stupid carcass. I can bring you down just fine...without my big computer advantage. Cya in the skies smart guy!
Bannerless and naked. Whatever...
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278072

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I rest my case everyone else is posting solutions while u post name calling and child like personallity. Not once have i called u a name our affended u. U need to grow up and if u cant handle some topics u dont like just leave instead of acting like baby in a diaper,with out a bottle. U UNDERSTAND !

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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278073

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GeRmZ.... . wrote: I rest my case everyone else is posting solutions while u post name calling and child like personallity. Not once have i called u a name our affended u. U need to grow up and if u cant handle some topics u dont like just leave instead of acting like baby in a diaper,with out a bottle. U UNDERSTAND !

Uh yah, your comments have offended me! Because there is no basis on them. You're posting bullshit with no facts whatsoever to back up your crap. Who needs to grow up? Get with the program. Seperation isn't a solution. And it will be a cold day in Hell that I am separated, a paying subscriber who is paying so your freeloading ass plays for free! Shut your pie hole if you're not going to think before you speak!
Bannerless and naked. Whatever...
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278087

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I vote against separation. Keep it together.

Lets please limit our responses to our votes, lets not make Zup sift through tons of comments just to figure out who voted for what.

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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278090

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You have to vote on the poll window on top, the comments do not count as votes. ;)
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278097

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My vote went to staying together.
The whole point of this game is not "fair fighting", its "the challenge" against uneven odds. Not "what is my k/d ratio"
for example its far more fun being a marshal trying to take on two morafs, than it is two morafs beating up a marshal.

And if we split, where do those of us that play on Windows Tablets get put? Looks the same as a PC to the servers.

A better solution would be for Zuperman to use the monthly statistics of average k/d ratios for the different types of devices, and slowly tweek the device settings each update until each device types has about the same k/d ratio. (average over all types of games) Then no one can complain.
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278098

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Well peeps I voted no., because despite the occasionally annoying 2 lag deaths at take off...the most important things to me are the friends and comeradery I have found here, the only good split was the egg at the beginning of time that led to life that led to dogfight....he he ..have fun.
Just realized zup I made a total error I def want eveyone to stay together...oops I think I need further reading.....
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278105

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Please don't say PC doesn't have an advantage over phones/tablets. Everyone knows u have got skills Zeb. To be frank, you are the best in this business. But best with a technical advantage. That's it.
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278106

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Thanks Acegirl.
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278107

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Longrifle wrote: All we are asking for is parity. Make the tilt devices have a shorter travel, which should solve both complaint, even the turning and making it tougher to get on target at a distance.

Zup, if you believe Hulk, Rabbit and I have suddenly all developed amnesia and can't remember how to turn fight after years, and think we are making this up then I don't know what to say.

I challenge anyone on a PC install this game on their apple or android phone and play tilt. If you can out turn a PC player with a top level plane with sensitivity up (like machines with only the platform as the differentiator) I'll buy you subscription for a year. No bullshit, beat a PC in a turn fight with like machines in a fair fight with equal planes and setting with a tablet or a phone tilt control and I'm your huckleberry.

Is it the be all end all of the game? No, we are not saying that. It is advantage? Hell yes.

If zup isn't going to tighten the tilt range, then I'll vote yes.

Very well said.
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278108

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Someone on this thread needs to sit down and have a read..................................germz.
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278109

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Srry zup I had a brain fart...mines a definite no.Can u just check what I clicked......lol.
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278113

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I am one of those that can't believe the tight turns pc players (ok...sóme) can make.
Yesterday I was up against one again, and when I said: "Pc player, right?", the smartass replied: "Nope, iPhone 5"!

So now it's a fact:
PC players are not only unfairly advantaged,....they are outright liars!

(Please note the irony and the shamed selfrighteousness in this post! Boy, we are sooooo touchy today!)

What I found a bizar coincidence that the PC players with the strongest opinion on how turnfighting on a PC is no advantage, are the ones scoring high in k/d rates and the lowest scoring in hangars bombed.
So there must be some strong placebo effect that keeps them away from bombing missions, and preferring dogfights.
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278121

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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278123

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Bottom line is pc users turn faster ....Idc what any of them say....its fact....but splitting us up. No no...been this way for awhile ...they can't shoot long as good so it has its disadvantages too...solution...zuperman bring back noon servers to stop the blood bath these noobs get....personally I enjoy my tablet but we can't all be the same....to each their own...
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278126

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Ok this whole thing came around again because us head on guys just want to be able to play ahead on game it's not just pc users .All we ask is that we can play the way we want with being killed by someone with out a bomb in a bombing game .I actually got into one game where we all carried noobs wanting to learn and older guys we had fun didn't have to worry about some guy without his bomb taking advantage of the guys paying the weight penalty for carrying it was a battle of will and skill of long range shooting and yes there were guys going high and wide and there was no calling sneaker because team's were even .is that to much to ask of you zup let the bombing games be just that bombing games
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278146

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comet u r a boil on butt of humanity,funny foreigners u nincumpoop who gives u the ok for the shit that comes out your mouth.

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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278149

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GeRmZ.... . wrote: comet u r a boil on butt of humanity,funny foreigners u nincumpoop who gives u the ok for the shit that comes out your mouth.

Nice one coming from someone named after germs, did you use Google translate to go from English to English?
Bannerless and naked. Whatever...
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278171

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[M]Comet wrote:

GeRmZ.... . wrote: comet u r a boil on butt of humanity,funny foreigners u nincumpoop who gives u the ok for the shit that comes out your mouth.

Nice one coming from someone named after germs, did you use Google translate to go from English to English?

Post of the week.

ALL IN 100%
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Last edit: by [*M]VonHuLK. Reason: I have a boil on my butt. Comet is that you?

Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278172

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[M]Comet wrote:

GeRmZ.... . wrote: I rest my case everyone else is posting solutions while u post name calling and child like personallity. Not once have i called u a name our affended u. U need to grow up and if u cant handle some topics u dont like just leave instead of acting like baby in a diaper,with out a bottle. U UNDERSTAND !

Uh yah, your comments have offended me! Because there is no basis on them. You're posting bullshit with no facts whatsoever to back up your crap. Who needs to grow up? Get with the program. Seperation isn't a solution. And it will be a cold day in Hell that I am separated, a paying subscriber who is paying so your freeloading ass plays for free! Shut your pie hole if you're not going to think before you speak!

Pie-hole? :huh: :lol:

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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278193

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OMG.. if after reading all these posts this is about ME & how deadly I am in a dogfight here in Dogfight how about I just QUIT THE GAME?!? If it will allow the rest of the squadrons and players and platforms to still fly together I would be happy to sacrifice myself for the good of the rest!

But really, are you going to be try to get BlackWolf & AceGirl & Pie of Jerry and all the other good Windows PC dogfighters to quit after I leave and they become the Top KDR Dogfighters? Not fair to them.. I'll take the hit for 'em all.. just don't go witch-hunting them after I'm gone!!

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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278205

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ZebraUp wrote: OMG.. if after reading all these posts this is about ME & how deadly I am in a dogfight here in Dogfight how about I just QUIT THE GAME?!? If it will allow the rest of the squadrons and players and platforms to still fly together I would be happy to sacrifice myself for the good of the rest!

But really, are you going to be try to get BlackWolf & AceGirl & Pie of Jerry and all the other good Windows PC dogfighters to quit after I leave and they become the Top KDR Dogfighters? Not fair to them.. I'll take the hit for 'em all.. just don't go witch-hunting them after I'm gone!!

You know it's not like that. I enjoy our games together. I just liked it better when I had a chance. ;)

ALL IN 100%
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278208

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[*M]VonHuLK wrote:

ZebraUp wrote: OMG.. if after reading all these posts this is about ME & how deadly I am in a dogfight here in Dogfight how about I just QUIT THE GAME?!? If it will allow the rest of the squadrons and players and platforms to still fly together I would be happy to sacrifice myself for the good of the rest!

But really, are you going to be try to get BlackWolf & AceGirl & Pie of Jerry and all the other good Windows PC dogfighters to quit after I leave and they become the Top KDR Dogfighters? Not fair to them.. I'll take the hit for 'em all.. just don't go witch-hunting them after I'm gone!!

You know it's not like that. I enjoy our games together. I just liked it better when I had a chance. ;)

You guys give me the proper lesson on how to do it ole school, EVERY time I face you!

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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278216

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Im split on this one, but one thing is for certain, IMHO.

Zup I admire your hard work you do on this game, and putting up with all of us, but if you really want my opinion, THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE EVER COME TO THIS POINT.
Android, IOS, Windows phone, Windows pc. I mean really?
Have it work like clockwork on one OS at a time. There are tons of awesome games on only one OS. Why every one under the sun?
Fix the lag, graphics, ect...
I know this is all mute, but I need to voice it.

As a simple player of this game I know Zup I have no right to criticise your development procedures, but why? Why?

You cant play Minecraft multiplayer the same on pc, vs phone, why dogfight?

So if you really want my vote I'll say no. We're here at this point now we need to deal with it. But IMO we should not be in this situation.
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278222

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Oh my! Is it worth fighting over splitting of the platforums? Yall should calm down. Look at first i was against windows platforum. Lag got bad, they were hard as heck to dogfight. But as Hulk said we honed our skills and learned to even the playing field.

With that said. I say keep it. No one should have to leave the game over this. I have said it before and ill sat it again. The turning has alot to do with the device you use. I for one dogfight better on a small device. There is no delay on a smaller phone then lets say a 10 inch tablet. The bigger the device the slower the response in turning. Apple is better for head on fighters.

Let me make a quick point. Zebra kicks my but in a dogfight. I switch to a smaller phone and we even out. But i can't shoot head on. Windows and small phones are best for dogfighting. The larger devices like apples and samsungs tabs are great for head ons. Also the processors in all devices runs different. Thats my two cents on that.
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278227

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Ok after reading thru like 20 post I see were zup went wrong. He should have clarified that all u need to do Is vote, its just like a presidential election, the debate and voting ballots are held in different places, so enough debating, just give a yes or no, no need to explain ur self,and for those of you that's just saying this is bs, keep it to ourselves, like we always say THERE ARE KIDS WHO READ THESE THREADS AND POST. So please lets keep the voting clean,
Sir Ball of Nine

The wages of sin was, is, and will always be death
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278230

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This problem acts the same as the D8 one we had over a year ago, some guys complaining about that and most of us honed our skills to take them out, I managed to nail them, and I was lvl 10 player back then...

I'm one of the PC players here, also I used to play on a Lumia 520, PC players may have an advantage on turnfights but we have a BIG problem with head-on. You small devices players should use your head-on advantage and learn how to take out pc players while we're still away and don't let a turnfight begin.

That's my opinion...
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278231

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Chopper 15 wrote: This problem acts the same as the D8 one we had over a year ago, some guys complaining about that and most of us honed our skills to take them out, I managed to nail them, and I was lvl 10 player back then...

I'm one of the PC players here, also I used to play on a Lumia 520, PC players may have an advantage on turnfights but we have a BIG problem with head-on. You small devices players should use your head-on advantage and learn how to take out pc players while we're still away and don't let a turnfight begin.

That's my opinion...

Lol I get what u mean but one person that don't work on is zebra, he starts turning like a maniac soon as u pop on his radar :P
Sir Ball of Nine

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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278232

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Longrifle wrote: ....

I challenge anyone on a PC install this game on their apple or android phone and play tilt. If you can out turn a PC player with a top level plane with sensitivity up (like machines with only the platform as the differentiator) I'll buy you subscription for a year. No bullshit, beat a PC in a turn fight with like machines in a fair fight with equal planes and setting with a tablet or a phone tilt control and I'm your huckleberry....

Well said long. I have said in the past that I believed that a tilt player could use maneuvers to catch up with PC players of equal skill. I no longer believe that to be true. My observations are purely subjective and as such I have no intention of arguing any point. It would be great to see how it would work for someone to switch between platforms and see how they think they compare after a few months of heavy flying.

There have been times when the balance has shifted, when one platform had relatively better or worse performance than the other but it seem to have settled. I'd ask anyone who has ever noticed such a shift in the past to entertain the idea that it is as real now for some as it once was in their own experience.

For the sake of game play, it would be better to segregate the platforms. For the sake of Dogfight I think it would be a mistake. Having more versions which need zup' s attention would be a greater tax on his time. Maybe when elite comes out it can be open to all while the original goes back to tilt only and remain a without updates? (Probably wouldn't work...for long)

I'm saying to keep everyone together and let the game evolve as it will. Maybe there is a way to implement different advantages for various platforms so that there is a way for each to strategically counter the other. Hmm, that kind of sounds like the kind of thing that happens in real life, no?
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Split Windows players from everyone else? 9 years 7 months ago #278234

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[AOV] nine ball wrote:

Chopper 15 wrote: This problem acts the same as the D8 one we had over a year ago, some guys complaining about that and most of us honed our skills to take them out, I managed to nail them, and I was lvl 10 player back then...

I'm one of the PC players here, also I used to play on a Lumia 520, PC players may have an advantage on turnfights but we have a BIG problem with head-on. You small devices players should use your head-on advantage and learn how to take out pc players while we're still away and don't let a turnfight begin.

That's my opinion...

Lol I get what u mean but one person that don't work on is zebra, he starts turning like a maniac soon as u pop on his radar :P

Well... with Zebra and *420* things have to be different.... maybe ramming them :whistle: :silly:
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