lol sky. Sorry, but we have to accept that the fact that [e]nigma has great players. we alsohve to accept te fact the the letter "h" isnt woring on my keyboad very well.
For the leaders of the 111th, me and Von Pay just saw a 111th LEADER impersinator. Not just someone who joined w/o permission, but he's saying he's a leader, but he's not in he squad, he can't name all the leaders, etc. His name is 111th Falcon Leader. Von Pay asked him nicely to change his name, but he refused rudely and continued saying he was a leader. Idk how u feel about this, but I reccomnd Operation: Search and Destroy!
Well, I talked to the guy later in games, and I asked him how he became leader, and he mentioned you, Green. That guy doesn't even know this forum exists, so I invited him to join the forum. He is still not changing the name.
By the way, I don't see tony these days. Do you guys see him?
ive seen tony yesterday. And if leader dont xhange his name soon, slender or z shoulld ban him completely. Along with all the other imposters and cheaters.
go to gossip, and click on a thread called forum and dogfight utilities. it's at the top. from there, find a link to dogfight management or to squad join.
This 111 falcon leader guy, I saw him in game.
His new name is apple squad leader.
I asked if he used to be 111 falcon squad leader, he said yes.
I explained that me, green and tony are the leaders.
He said he changed his name cuz he wants his own squad.
I told him squads arent being implemented yet, and he said on.
Then I asked him if he wanted to join 111 falcon.
He said "yah! Sign me up!"
I told him to go to forum and ask ppl how to join.
He said ok.
He seems like a nice guy slender plz delete those comments where we had bad impressions about him I don't want him to be upset.