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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217280

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[*M] MISFIT CROCKETT wrote: My so called personnel attacks were stating facts, just basic facts, I know how much facts upset you. As for the banner, pretty much everyone thinks it's hilarious given the circumstances as to how it came about, even most MOMS, but why digress,

Do I think I would make a good mod, why yes I do. I'm 63 and been around the block so to speak. Guess you could say I have a lot of experience, was even a prison cop for several years, a good one at that. One thing I never understood, how can a person who is suppose to be a moderator against language use the language himself. Why that's the definition of hypocrisy isn't it. My record stands for itself lol lol.

However it's not important for me to be a mod. It's only important to me that mods do eventually exist, no matter who ZUPERMAN chooses. Now MR, WIG, do you really want to keep this in the limelight?

"Limelight"? Uh...okay.

His "so-called" personal attacks were actually "facts"? There's my argument in a nutshell. Anyone who thinks his personal opinion to be fact, and who believes an attack banner, something I'd never contemplate doing publicly even to my least favorite person here, is fine because he and his friends think it's funny, is no one we need wearing a Dogfight Correctional Officer badge.

Oh, and in case readers are understandably confused, I'm not a "moderator against language"! I f*ckin' love me some language. If I were a puritanical language Nazi I'd ban anyone who subjected us to a double lol.


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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217286

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Hmph, still don't meet the age requirements. Oh well... good luck to the future moderators, I'm glad to see we're working towards a better Dogfight!
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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217288

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I love foul language as long as it doesn't go too far for example trying to put people down but if u are just messing with them saying stuff like bro u are a pusssssssss but once u go passed the limit than its different

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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217294

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Angelic Silencer here.....Louisiana, USA, North America
i'm in college right now....so my time on is (in my time zone) can range from lunch time to 1 in the morning
Age: 19
gender: Muppet
in game level:19

as for what i will do for the game......what ever you want me to do.......

ingame username right now is : {WP} SilentWOLF
Silencing.....Silencing.....Silencing.....now only if i could mute people.....

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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217296

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I would love to have mods back even though I wasn't around when they originally came i honestly truly in my heart believe the best person to be mod in this game is ...........longrifle even though i know he has no interest in doing it makes me want him to do it all the more because from what i have seen from this man is he wishes to stay drama free and would love to rid all the drama he can so i think we should all get on our knees and Begg for longrifle to try a mod position because i know he would take time in his judgments and also be considerate of both sides on any problem and i also would like to throw in that no global mod should have the right to moderate a squad thread unless asked to by squad leader

and long rifle here's me getting on my knees please try and stand for the mod position i think u are best suited for it and will be a great one

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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217307

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Just be very very carefully , who is going to be a mode. Don't give power to aggressors .

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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217310

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Wig needs to oppose anyone's application who is a 'threat' to his well being here, I believe whoever it is needs to enforce all rules even if I'm being a turkey voting for christmas. The right candidate shouldn't be concerned to go on to ANY squad thread and make all posts as clean as possible for the younger players. Foul language needs to be stamped on quickly if you ask me and MOM are by far the biggest offenders when it comes to foul language.

I am not attacking MOM (although if you chose to see it that way, that's your problem) but since the untimely demise of our mods, their thread and their posts on others threads have been undermined by the regular language.

I should not be allowed to vote on any person here and I have no doubt that this might well be my final post.

Good luck to all that apply and hopefully you can eventually secure this game and forums future.

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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217311

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Here‘s a way that only 3-5 moderators could “be everywhere”.

Edit: If it were set up this way the moderators would not need to be in "every game". I would be interested if this were the case.

3-5 global mods able to see all in-game or on-forum reports made by top ranked players. The reports should appear to moderators in the style of the forum threads.

It could be set up so only the level 30-31 (or top 100?) ranked players are able to create new “threads” when they file complaint reports. (This would prevent the need for the mods to view all reports by all players and so would save them from almost all troll reports) After a thread is created for a certian player name, any additional reports (by anyone) against that player will be additional posts to the same thread. Just like on the forum; there would be the “Recent Topics” tab. Mods could log-in anytime of day (or even miss a few days) and still be able to tell who the most recent and/or most frequent offenders are. Also, just like on the forum, if a player changed his name it would still continue as the same account so the only way to dodge would be to start over with a new account as an aspirant.

The blackilst thread could be used (as it was intended) to provide player "testimony" and "evidence". Moderators could post comments of who was banned and why.

Any offensive forum posts could be reported with the existing link. Moderators could remove the content and invite the original poster to self-edit in an acceptable way. If they continue to be inappropriate they could be banned from the forum.

There could be different protocols for how mutes and bans are applied. For example: it could be that any single mod could apply a temporary mute or a temporary ban. More serious or permanent punishment could require the approval of 3 (or all active) mods.

Report-threads and punishments could be locked by being checked by 3 active mods. Once a report thread is locked or gets no further “posts” for a certain amount of time ( 2 weeks?) the thread requires another report by a top ranked player to reopen.

If a mod does not check in for a certain amount of time (30 days?) their position becomes open and available for new applicants. New mods must be voted in by all mods who have been active within that same time period. (This way, even if the mods mysteriously vanish and only one active mod remains he/she may still appoint replacements.) Presumably most mods would be top-ranked, active players and able to start complaint report threads, but they would still be able to moderate regardless.
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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217312

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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217313

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McFate is a visionary...video...gamer...person.

By way of starkly contrasted intellectual polar opposites, CrazedDragon is a Devils Dragons member denying that he'd attack M.O.M. What're the odds? Like a disgruntled former M.O.M banned from Dogfight but flagrantly ban dodging as a Devils Dragon would have any inclination to weigh in against me or M.O.M.

A priceless illustration of precisely what I referred to in my remarks about impotent "perma-bans" and the people who elect to ignore them and the game developer who elects to ignore that his bans are being ignored.

Bans. Don't. Work.

Still, my well being feels super threatened. (insert double lol here)

McFatester, I'm not sure the conditions you've described are work-free enough to ever be implemented. The smart money is on new names, same deal, no real change. But were there any genuine interest in addressing these concerns in an effective fashion yours is a brilliant plan. Nobody hold any breath.

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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217315

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Wigbomb wrote: McFate is a visionary...video...gamer...person.

By way of starkly contrasted intellectual polar opposites, CrazedDragon is a Devils Dragons member denying that he'd attack M.O.M. What're the odds? Like a disgruntled former M.O.M banned from Dogfight but flagrantly ban dodging as a Devils Dragon would have any inclination to weigh in against me or M.O.M.

A priceless illustration of precisely what I referred to in my remarks about impotent "perma-bans" and the people who elect to ignore them and the game developer who elects to ignore that his bans are being ignored.

Bans. Don't. Work.

Still, my well being feels super threatened. (insert double lol here)

McFatester, I'm not sure the conditions you've described are work-free enough to ever be implemented. The smart money is on new names, same deal, no real change. But were there any genuine interest in addressing these concerns in an effective fashion yours is a brilliant plan. Nobody hold any breath.

I completely agree with you wig, yes I have aligned myself with the dragons but my comment was made as I don't think your opinion on who should and who shouldn't be considered should hold any more weight than 'adrunkloser', I have been very bad here in the past but I have the 'stones' to admit it.

Just to clarify I think that most of the time you were a good mod, but at times, you did believe that you were bigger and more important than anyone else round here including Zuperman.

If we had to look for the perfect mod, we need to be looking for someone like manfred, he was completely unbiased, dedicated, fair and more importantly, he was always approachable.

I also believe that unless Zup requests more info, all posts here should be limited to one post as wigs drivel is just clouding the topic.

As always, wig, I wish you well and if you ever need that number, I'll still happily help you as I do believe you're a nice guy, just a little bit sociopathic. :dry:

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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217317

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My pennies worth of thought!
I think the moderators did a great job.Most who were banned took it on the chin I'm sure but there are always those who will never admit to wrongdoing.I say this with some knowledge as a police officer of 25 years( no booing please!)
Whilst I use every word imaginable as i'm sure many of you do,there is a time and a place for it and a public multiplayer game is not the place!There are many players "of age" here along with those younger in years who have plenty of time to learn swearing,bad tempers and hatred.
I think anything in the way of bad language that would transgress public order laws around the world should be dealt with as was done previously.The team killing,spawnkilling and camping rules need to be set in place by Zup to avoid the discussionsI would not put myself forward as a mod due to time constraints due to work but would be more than happy to give advice as to the legality of any language or behaviour if required.I am not the only member of law enforcement on here but would imagine others would offer assistance also.
I hope this all Works out as I for one am fed up of the goings on of late!!
Good luck all and Zup on your decision !
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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217318

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Yo haria un hilo exclusivo para los moderadores, donde se revisaria todo, en la mayoria de los casos,solo con juzgarlo 3 mods deberia ser sufuciente, para tomar una decision, y solo en los casos mas conflictivos deberian todos en conjunto tomar la decision.
Asi seria mas rapido, logicamente si no hay acuerdo entre estos 3 mods, se recurriria a todo los mods.tambien repartiria funciones (unos informarian y otros juzgarian dependjendo de que moderador estubiese activo en el juego,creo que eso lo haria mas facil.y por su puesto haria unas normas generales del juego para cumplir basicas.especificando cuales serian motivo de sancion y que sancion conllevaria dicha accion.

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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217319

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CrazedDragon wrote:

Wigbomb wrote: McFate is a visionary...video...gamer...person.

By way of starkly contrasted intellectual polar opposites, CrazedDragon is a Devils Dragons member denying that he'd attack M.O.M. What're the odds? Like a disgruntled former M.O.M banned from Dogfight but flagrantly ban dodging as a Devils Dragon would have any inclination to weigh in against me or M.O.M.

A priceless illustration of precisely what I referred to in my remarks about impotent "perma-bans" and the people who elect to ignore them and the game developer who elects to ignore that his bans are being ignored.

Bans. Don't. Work.

Still, my well being feels super threatened. (insert double lol here)

McFatester, I'm not sure the conditions you've described are work-free enough to ever be implemented. The smart money is on new names, same deal, no real change. But were there any genuine interest in addressing these concerns in an effective fashion yours is a brilliant plan. Nobody hold any breath.

I completely agree with you wig, yes I have aligned myself with the dragons but my comment was made as I don't think your opinion on who should and who shouldn't be considered should hold any more weight than 'adrunkloser', I have been very bad here in the past but I have the 'stones' to admit it.

Just to clarify I think that most of the time you were a good mod, but at times, you did believe that you were bigger and more important than anyone else round here including Zuperman.

If we had to look for the perfect mod, we need to be looking for someone like manfred, he was completely unbiased, dedicated, fair and more importantly, he was always approachable.

I also believe that unless Zup requests more info, all posts here should be limited to one post as wigs drivel is just clouding the topic.

As always, wig, I wish you well and if you ever need that number, I'll still happily help you as I do believe you're a nice guy, just a little bit sociopathic. :dry:

Well Richyroo, I guess we can agree to agree that each other is a sociopath. I'm endlessly intrigued by the ability of certain individuals here to magically divine what I or anyone else "believes". Not only have I never entertained delusions of biggerness associated with this game, I'm hard pressed to find the "big" anywhere near it...including zuperman. It's a small product provided by a small businessman. It's a chronically broken product no other company I know of would get away with taking to market year in and year out. If that's your idea of a context for megalomania from a game clan den mother we'll have to agree to disagree that you're nuts. But...would we disagree? Really?

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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217326

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Creo humildemente que todos aquellos pilotos que hayan tenido problemas graves o no tan graves con otros pilotos y que de hecho se siguen llevando mal, no deberian ni tansiquiera solicitar ser un mods.tampoco los que fueron y solo buscaban su bien riendose y aprovechandose de su nombramiento.creo que tofas esas personas que hicieron daño a nuestro querido juego no deberian solicitarlo o en su caso no ser admitidos.

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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217328

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Zup starts a thread asking for players to write a little something about why they would like to be a Mod. He would like to try and answer the call for Mods. 75 posts later about 14 people have shown an interest. 75, I didnt figure this would turn into mad house. Some of the threads, from the topic you can tell they are going to just go nuts, but this is crazy.

ALL IN 100%
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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217331

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Wigbomb wrote: we'll have to agree to disagree that you're nuts. But...would we disagree? Really?

I'm never gonna disagree with you there.... :lol: drinks on me down the Jolly Roger?
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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217336

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Whatever happens,I wouldn't mind helping out say in game or world chat,I'm not much on forum.
I remain unbiased,coolheaded,divorce myself from "feelings" and "fairness" issues,agree to disagree, and most importantly remain optimistic.
You all know how I play,I'm dogged,don't ever quit,don't boast or bragg,don't cuss or start fights, and get the job done.
There are sheep and there are wolves...most people are sheep,I see myself as a sheep dog,protecting the sheep. I have a 14 year old son that plays so my instincts are to protect the younger players and the people who just want to enjoy a cleaner game experience.
Thanks all,getting to know some of the people behind the "names" is truly rewarding.
Make it a great day Aces!
....Derek...aka the man behind the Temp!
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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217339

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[NLR] Ishan Sang-Blue Fighter wrote: Hi Zupperman.

I'am 45 years old, resident of India amd my time zone is +5.30 GMT.
Level-31 (MORAF)
Belogs to NLR Squad

I 'm already addicted to game like others and usually play daily between 5 P.M. to 9 P.M. and on weekends in morning too between 10 A.M. to 1 P.M.

Reason applying for moderator is to make this game clean of foul language so that everyone from kid to elderly one who wants to spend time playing this game should enjoy making friends and play in true sportsmanship.

I would like to vouch here for few gentleman whom I played with and seen how they diffuse arguments and I think if they apply for moderator will definitely help the company in implementing the idea of Global Moderator.

McFate, Davy Crockett, VonHulk (already applied and a thorough gentleman), Big*Joe, Wig and Mac then Myself.

NLR-Blue Fighter

Game Modification to reduce the work load of moderators:
As Zebraup mentioned (Thread 217183) very correctly, "the very FIRST thing that needs to be done (even before bringing back moderators) is to have a Rules of Dogfight screen/page you have to hit 'I understand' button prior to even getting to World Chat & maps/servers."
• Let plane fly without crashing if someone camp with tank/plane on runway.
• If team member drops bomb on its own hangar, it should not destruct the hangar and if the player repeat it, deduct 10,000 from points as well as from his purchasing power.

Suggestion for Complaint Registration:
In game, presently there is an option to file complaint. The same will continue to work with following suggestions:

1. Assign all players with unique ID which will not change even if anyone changes his/her game name any number of times.

2. Each game should have unique ID/Post number automatically saved (like the forum thread) which will have a text details of all chat during the game with player name/ID(So that user who changed his name after the game can also be tracked). If no complaint is registered during the game, the file is automatically deleted.

o This way no player can deny that he/she has not used foul language or passed on derogative/abusive remark(s) during the game.

o This will eliminate the Verification part as all chat is recorded.

o If complaint do registered during the game, the same should be passed on to all selected moderator through email (so that whoever moderator is available online can go through it) with copy of post containing the chat details along with the server name. Players can also send email with screen shot offline to Group Moderator (containing email id of all moderators) to file their complaint for verification.

o The moderator should have the special right to enter the server in invisible mode even if the server is full to verify the complaint genuineness online. If he found the complaint correct, the moderator can immediately kick the player out of game and send him the predefined warnings or even ban him for minutes or for a days.

o The ban should be displayed soon the players try to select the server to play.

o Repeated banned players should me mentioned in banned thread so the all players can see who is banned and for what. This will work as deterrent for other player to indulge in any such activity.

o Players who are banned should be given chance to play again if they accept their mistake and promise not to repeat.

o Permanent ban will not restrict the player to play but will demote the player to level 1 with default planes only. Loosing all point, level and plane will act as strong deterrent for all players.

o Players who are banned for foul/abusive language or derogative remarks should not be allowed to text at all, they can only see and play the game.

NLR-Blue Fighter
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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217352

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Wow even picking a mod seems hard to agree on in this game!!! For me a mod should be a person who can and has followed all rules in this game...including cussing cause how can you ban someone for cussing if you do it?? You can't!!! I also believe this person or these people should not look at mod as power but only to keep the game clean!! Maybe zuperman can come up with 10 names and let the dogfight community vote for 5 and vote wins!!! Some of you don't believe in mods cause you call it policing ....hmmm we'll it is needed in this game as we'll as real life!!! All I can say is I have no desire to be a mod cause there's been to many time I could of banned myself lol!!! But my luck goes out to the ones chosen I really think a vote is needed and if your trying to be a mod then you should know if you deserve to be one or can handle it!!! Goodluck to all!!!

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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217353

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TBH|Jeromy wrote: I would love to have mods back even though I wasn't around when they originally came i honestly truly in my heart believe the best person to be mod in this game is ...........longrifle even though i know he has no interest in doing it makes me want him to do it all the more because from what i have seen from this man is he wishes to stay drama free and would love to rid all the drama he can so i think we should all get on our knees and Begg for longrifle to try a mod position because i know he would take time in his judgments and also be considerate of both sides on any problem and i also would like to throw in that no global mod should have the right to moderate a squad thread unless asked to by squad leader

and long rifle here's me getting on my knees please try and stand for the mod position i think u are best suited for it and will be a great one

One of the first things you learn on a farm is that if you want to keep your clothes clean, stay out of the pigpen. I have absolutely no interest in being involved in squabbles, or policing the ranks, or handing out punishments and threatening other pilots.

With apologies to William Tecumseh Sherman, if nominated, I will not accept; if elected, I will not serve.
This Gun's For Hire

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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217355

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Wigbomb wrote:

CrazedDragon wrote:

Wigbomb wrote: McFate is a visionary...video...gamer...person.

By way of starkly contrasted intellectual polar opposites, CrazedDragon is a Devils Dragons member denying that he'd attack M.O.M. What're the odds? Like a disgruntled former M.O.M banned from Dogfight but flagrantly ban dodging as a Devils Dragon would have any inclination to weigh in against me or M.O.M.

A priceless illustration of precisely what I referred to in my remarks about impotent "perma-bans" and the people who elect to ignore them and the game developer who elects to ignore that his bans are being ignored.

Bans. Don't. Work.

Still, my well being feels super threatened. (insert double lol here)

McFatester, I'm not sure the conditions you've described are work-free enough to ever be implemented. The smart money is on new names, same deal, no real change. But were there any genuine interest in addressing these concerns in an effective fashion yours is a brilliant plan. Nobody hold any breath.

I completely agree with you wig, yes I have aligned myself with the dragons but my comment was made as I don't think your opinion on who should and who shouldn't be considered should hold any more weight than 'adrunkloser', I have been very bad here in the past but I have the 'stones' to admit it.

Just to clarify I think that most of the time you were a good mod, but at times, you did believe that you were bigger and more important than anyone else round here including Zuperman.

If we had to look for the perfect mod, we need to be looking for someone like manfred, he was completely unbiased, dedicated, fair and more importantly, he was always approachable.

I also believe that unless Zup requests more info, all posts here should be limited to one post as wigs drivel is just clouding the topic.

As always, wig, I wish you well and if you ever need that number, I'll still happily help you as I do believe you're a nice guy, just a little bit sociopathic. :dry:

Well Richyroo, I guess we can agree to agree that each other is a sociopath. I'm endlessly intrigued by the ability of certain individuals here to magically divine what I or anyone else "believes". Not only have I never entertained delusions of biggerness associated with this game, I'm hard pressed to find the "big" anywhere near it...including zuperman. It's a small product provided by a small businessman. It's a chronically broken product no other company I know of would get away with taking to market year in and year out. If that's your idea of a context for megalomania from a game clan den mother we'll have to agree to disagree that you're nuts. But...would we disagree? Really?

I just have to add this to the pot. Just my humor at what has taken place here.

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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217359

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Wigbomb wrote:

[*M] MISFIT CROCKETT wrote: My so called personnel attacks were stating facts, just basic facts, I know how much facts upset you. As for the banner, pretty much everyone thinks it's hilarious given the circumstances as to how it came about, even most MOMS, but why digress,

Do I think I would make a good mod, why yes I do. I'm 63 and been around the block so to speak. Guess you could say I have a lot of experience, was even a prison cop for several years, a good one at that. One thing I never understood, how can a person who is suppose to be a moderator against language use the language himself. Why that's the definition of hypocrisy isn't it. My record stands for itself lol lol.

However it's not important for me to be a mod. It's only important to me that mods do eventually exist, no matter who ZUPERMAN chooses. Now MR, WIG, do you really want to keep this in the limelight?

"Limelight"? Uh...okay.

His "so-called" personal attacks were actually "facts"? There's my argument in a nutshell. Anyone who thinks his personal opinion to be fact, and who believes an attack banner, something I'd never contemplate doing publicly even to my least favorite person here, is fine because he and his friends think it's funny, is no one we need wearing a Dogfight Correctional Officer badge.

Oh, and in case readers are understandably confused, I'm not a "moderator against language"! I f*ckin' love me some language. If I were a puritanical language Nazi I'd ban anyone who subjected us to a double lol.

My point is made. Now you can take your thesaurus for your big words that EVERONE Is laughing at and be real proud.

Ok folks this will be my last post here. Lol you can't make this stuff up. Thank you.
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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217360

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Why is there such a hangup over mods that use langauge in their own area?

The way I see it, language is offensive when you have no control over what you see. In world chat, cursing is different than on not just the M.O.M thread (for the sake of not appearing biased), but any squad or individual thread.

In world chat, you can't control what you see. When "G*y F*ggot f****" comes on world chat and calls everyone "c**ts" as you're engaging in a pleasant conversation with Boudicca, that's different than when you're scrolling through a thread, of your own volition, and see someone say "that's fcking weird."

You don't see Wig, Cricket, or Parrothead randomly cursing in world chat now, do you? I hope we can trust mods to judge intent and context.

Oi, Davy. I find crude humor a bit more repulsive than rude language. Just my two cents there. There' a lotta words I'll never use, but I am more disgusted with poop and toilet humor than I am with the occasional swear word here and there, where you know it'll probably be there.
You're getting predictable, guys. You can do better, right?
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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217368

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Mac wrote: Why is there such a hangup over mods that use langauge in their own area?

The way I see it, language is offensive when you have no control over what you see. In world chat, cursing is different than on not just the M.O.M thread (for the sake of not appearing biased), but any squad or individual thread.

In world chat, you can't control what you see. When "G*y F*ggot f****" comes on world chat and calls everyone "c**ts" as you're engaging in a pleasant conversation with Boudicca, that's different than when you're scrolling through a thread, of your own volition, and see someone say "that's fcking weird."

You don't see Wig, Cricket, or Parrothead randomly cursing in world chat now, do you? I hope we can trust mods to judge intent and context.

Oi, Davy. I find crude humor a bit more repulsive than rude language. Just my two cents there. There' a lotta words I'll never use, but I am more disgusted with poop and toilet humor than I am with the occasional swear word here and there, where you know it'll probably be there.

Its nothing against any certain person Mac but how can you ban a person in wc for cussing if you do it on your own thread?? Be like a drunk cops taking you to jail for dui!! There are plenty of people suitable for these jobs but the politics in this game need to hit a middle ground and agree on something for once!! This is not about squadrons its about mods!! Goodluck zuperman on your selections!!!
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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217372

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Edit: I feel I stated myself well enough in the last post, I have no further point to make. I feel that a forum thread and World chat are completely different cases and entities, and there is no point in continuing to discuss this with anyone convinced otherwise.

I have deleted the original post that sat here.
You're getting predictable, guys. You can do better, right?

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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217380

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I can only name a few from my personal experiences and I'm sure there's more out there Horriblebreast, Zebra, Vonhulk, crockett,and monstercannon theres 5 people who I've never seen play a bad game or cuss or lose there cool and have played this game long enough to be able to do the job! Again I'm sure there's more out there but these are the only one's I can think of !! All of these guys play alot and don't post no bs and play good games!!
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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217384

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As youralls new moderator my first act will be to lock and delete this thread. It has derailed. Thank you for your input and time. :whistle:
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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217385

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Oh. And read my lips. No new taxes... :evil:

Does anyone have a baby close? I need one to kiss. And a camera crew for publicity. Think anyone can arrange this for me? I'll appoint you vice moderator if someone can make this happen.

And now back to your regularly scheduled programing...
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Potential Moderators 9 years 9 months ago #217392

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